Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Anti Snoring Devices and Remedies For Snoring

!±8± Anti Snoring Devices and Remedies For Snoring

If you or a loved one suffers from snoring, you're probably interested in finding ways to stop it. Fortunately, there are a number of devices and remedies available to help you get a quiet night's sleep.

One common device is a nasal strip. Nasal strips are worn across the bridge of the nose like a stiff band aid, and help relieve snoring by keeping the nasal passages open. For people whose snoring originates with the nose, these strips can have a very positive effect.

Mouth pieces are another device that can reduce snoring. By keeping your lower jaw in proper alignment, mouth pieces open up your airway so the tongue doesn't make contact with the back of the throat. Since snoring is often caused by the tongue relaxing and touching your throat tissue, mouth pieces can stop the problem and let you sleep silently.

When trying to end your snoring, throat sprays can help as well. Throat sprays coat the back of the throat with special oils and nutrients, so that when you fall asleep, your airway stays lubricated. In turn, this makes the flow of air smoother and quieter while you sleep, which reduces noisy breathing.

Some home-made remedies are available as well. For many people, snoring is only a problem when sleeping on their back. If this is the case, sew a tennis ball to the back of your pajama shirt; the discomfort this creates will force you to sleep on your side, and episodes of snoring will diminish as a result.

Certain pillows are also available to minimize snoring. Like the tennis ball remedy, specially-designed pillows can force you to sleep on your side rather than on your back, leading to quiet sleep.

By using one of these devices or remedies, you can finally stop your snoring.

Anti Snoring Devices and Remedies For Snoring

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